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Optimum Nutrition, 100% сывороточный белок, с двойным вкусом шоколада, 1 фунт (454 г)

5 отзывов Написать отзыв
  • Optimum Nutrition
  • 748927022407
  • 1 фунт
  • 0.57 кг
  • 12.4 x 12.4 x 17.5 см

Описание товара Optimum Nutrition, 100% сывороточный белок, с двойным вкусом шоколада, 1 фунт (454 г)

  • 23 g Protein
  • 5 g* BCAAs
  • 3 g* Glutamine & Glutamic Acid
  • Naturally & Artificially Flavored
  • 100% of the Protein from Whey
  • 14 Servings
  • Protein Powder Drink Mix

The True Strength of Whey

Many top athletes make whey protein their first choice for post-workout recovery. Whey is a complete protein, meaning it provides the full range of Essential Amino Acids that can only be taken in through diet, and digests rapidly to help kick-start the recovery process. ON's 100% Whey Protein™ is an all-whey powder combining ultra-filtered Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) with pure Whey Protein Isolates (WPI). By using these premium protein sources, we're able to pack 23 grams of protein into every serving to support your muscle building needs after training. ON's attention to detail also extends to mixability. This superior quality powder has been instantized to mix easily using a shaker cup or just a glass and spoon. We think you'll appreciate our uncompromising approach as much as you'll enjoy the flavor of this 130-calorie shake.

*Naturally Occurring Amino Acid Profile
Essential Amino Acids (EAAs)Conditionally Essential Amino Acids (CAAs)Nonessential Amino Acids (NAAs)
TryptophanArginineAspartic Acid
LysineGlutamine & Glutamic Acid 
Typical amounts per serving  
~10.3 g~7.5 g~ 5.2 g
•Total BCAAs 5 grams

Beyond The Basics

  • Exclusive Blend of Ultra-Filtered Whey Protein Concentrate & Whey Protein Isolates
  • 74% Protein by Weight (23 g of Protein per 31 g Serving Size)
  • Whey Protein Microfractions from Ultra-Filtered Whey Protein Concentrate and Whey Protein Isolate
  • 5 Grams of Naturally Occurring Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine in Each Serving
  • Instantized to Mix Easily Using a Glass and Spoon

Способ приема

Spoon Stirred: 100% Whey Protein™ is instantized. That means if you forgot your shaker cup or don't have time to get out the blender, just add one rounded scoop of 100% Whey Protein™ to a glass filled with 6-8 oz of water or your favorite beverage. Then mix it up with a spoon. Stir for about 30 seconds or until powder is completely dissolved. Tip: Adjust the taste of your 100% Whey Protein by varying the amount of liquid that you use to prepare it. For a bolder flavor with slightly more body and sweetness, mix each scoop with 4-6 oz of water, milk, or your favorite beverage. For a milder tasting, less sweet shake, use 8-10 oz of liquid per scoop.

For healthy adults, consume enough protein to meet your daily protein requirements with a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements throughout the day as part of a balanced diet and exercise program.


Store in a cool, dry place. Contents sold by weight not volume.

Notice: Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction.

Serving scoop included, but may settle to the bottom during shipping.
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Компоненты товара

Сведения о добавке
Размер порции: 1 мерная ложка с горкой (31 г)
Количество порций в упаковке: 14
Состав порции % от суточной нормы*
Калорий 130
Калорий из жиров 20
Всего жиров 2 г 3 %
Насыщенные жиры 1 г 5 %
Трансжиры 0 г
Холестерин 70 мг 23 %
Натрий 60 мг 3 %
Всего углеводов 4 г 1 %
Сахара 2 г
Белки 23 г 46 %
Витамин A 0 %
Витамин С 0 %
Кальций 8 %
Железо 2 %
Не является существенным источником пищевой клетчатки.
*Проценты от суточной нормы основаны на рационе в 2000 калорий. Ваша суточная норма может быть выше или ниже в зависимости от вашей потребности в калориях.
Калорий: 2000 2500
Всего жиров Менее 65 г 80 г
Насыщенные жиры Менее 20 г 25 г
Холестерин Менее 300 мг 300 мг
Натрий Менее 2400 мг 2400 мг
Всего углеводов 300 г 375 г
Клетчатка 25 г 30 г
Белки 50 г 65 г
Калорий на грамм:
жиры 9 • углеводы 4 • белки 4
Другие Ингредиенты

Белковая смесь (концентрат сывороточного белка, изоляты сывороточного белка, сывороточные пептиды), какао (обработанное щелочью), лецитин, натуральные и искусственные ароматизаторы, ацесульфам калия, лактаза.

Информация об аллергенах: содержит молоко и сою (лецитин).