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4 700.00 р.
  • Привезём из США

Thorne Research, Melaton-3, 60 растительных капсул

1 отзывов Написать отзыв
  • Thorne Research
  • 693749788027
  • 60 штук
  • 0.05 кг
  • 5.1 x 5.1 x 10.2 см

Описание товара Thorne Research, Melaton-3, 60 растительных капсул

  • Dietary Supplement
  • Sleep
  • Wound/Injury
  • NSF - Certified for Sport
  • Gluten Free
Thorne's Melaton-3 is NSF Certified for Sport®. Thorne offers melatonin in both 3 mg (Melatonin-3) and 5 mg (Melatonin-5) capsules. Melatonin, the primary hormone of the pineal gland, is a powerful "chronobiotic" that helps maintain the body's normal circadian rhythms. In individuals who have difficulty sleeping or who have altered circadian rhythms because of jet lag or night shift work, melatonin supplementation promotes the resynchronization of this cycle. Supplementation can also benefit those whose difficulty sleeping is caused by the aging-related decrease in the body's ability to synthesize melatonin from the amino acid tryptophan. Research indicates melatonin exerts its sleep-promoting efficacy by decreasing the amount of time needed to fall asleep, by promoting the ability to stay asleep, and by enhancing the depth of sleep.

Melatonin administration from 0.3 mg to 5.0 mg has been shown to exert a sedative-like effect. When supplemented prior to the onset of the body's normal melatonin secretion, even a low amount of melatonin can promote sleep. Melatonin apparently enhances the effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) via direct interaction with GABA receptors, thus resulting in relaxation. Thorne's Melaton-3 supplies three mg of melatonin in each capsule, and Melaton-5 supplies 5 mg per capsule and is used when a higher amount of melatonin is desired. Melatonin also has significant antioxidant activity. Adequate melatonin levels have been reported to be a positive factor in cardiovascular, neuroendocrine, GI, and bone health.

Because an athlete needs to know that his or her supplements are trustworthy and compliant, every batch of an NSF Certified for Sport® product is tested for compliance with label claims and to ensure the absence of more than 200 substances banned by many major athletic organizations, including stimulants, narcotics, steroids, diuretics, beta-2 agonists, and masking agents.

Способ приема

Принимать по 1 капсуле перед сном или по рекомендации врача.


Tamper Evident: Use only if bottle is sealed.

Store tightly sealed in a cool, dry place.

If pregnant or nursing, do not use this product.
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Компоненты товара

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: одна капсула
Каждая капсула содержит: % DV
мелатонин 3 мг *
* Daily Value (DV) не установлен.
Другие Ингредиенты

Микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, гипромеллоза (полученная из целлюлозы), лаурат кальция, диоксид кремния.