Schiff, Digestive Advantage, Prebiotic Fiber + Daily Probiotic, 32 Tablets
- Schiff
- 020525969590
- 0.08 кг
- 12.3 x 9.1 x 6.9 см
Описание товара Schiff, Digestive Advantage, Prebiotic Fiber + Daily Probiotic, 32 Tablets
- Since 1936
- Probiotic Survives Stomach Acid 100X Better‡
- 24 hr One Daily
- Dietary Supplement
- Quality Guarantee - Guaranteed for Purity, Freshness and Labeled Potency
- Powered by GenedenBC30 Probiotic - Digestive & Immune Health
- Gluten Free
- Health - Hygeine - Home
Prebiotic Fiber
- Works naturally with probiotics
- Supports the growth of healthy bacteria
Daily Probiotics
- Supports Overall Digestive & Immune Health
Studies reveal that the single strain of probiotic used in Digestive Advantage survives 100x better than leading probiotics and yogurts so it can deliver good bacteria where you need it .‡
Why Prebiotic Fiber + Daily Probiotic?
Digestive Advantage Prebiotic Fiber + Daily Probiotic includes 2 ingredients ideal to promote better digestive health! The Prebiotic works naturally with Probiotics and it supports the growth of healthy bacteria. Probiotics are good bacteria that promote digestive health and help reduce minor abdominal discomfort and occasional bloating. With continued use, Digestive Advantage Prebiotic Fiber + Daily Probiotic is ideal for long-term digestive support.
Why Use Digestive Advantage?
Many probiotics don't survive through the stomach's acid. Digestive Advantage does! It survives stomach acid 100X Better‡; one serving a day delivers more live good bacteria to your digestive system than leading probiotics and yogurts to naturally support your digestive health.
Why Does Digestive Advantage Survive?
Only Digestive Advantage uses BC30, a unique patented probiotic, that is naturally protected by a protein shell. A natural protein shell protects our probiotic allowing it to survive stomach acid so more live good bacteria can get to your digestive tract and reach the intestines, where you need them most. Probiotics in your intestines promote a healthy digestive and immune system,
‡Based on survivability testing vs. yogurts and leading probiotics including a high potency probiotic brand offering 50 billion live cultures.
Способ приема
Взрослым от 18 лет принимать по одной (1) таблетке в день во время еды.
ПредупрежденияПеред применением продукта во время беременности, кормления грудью или приема медикаментов проконсультируйтесь с врачом.
Не следует превышать рекомендуемую суточную дозу.
Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.
Не используйте, если повреждена картонная коробка или повреждена либо отсутствует упаковка блистера с нанесенной на нее печатью.
Хранить в сухом и прохладном месте.
Компоненты товара
Пищевая ценность | ||
Размер порции: 1 таблетка | ||
Количество в 1 порции | % от суточной нормы | |
Всего углеводов | 1 г | < 1%* |
Пищевая клетчатка | 1 г | 4%* |
BC30 Бациллус коагуланс (Bacillus coagulans), GBI-30, 6086 | 800 миллионов жизнеспособных клеток | † |
* Процент от суточной нормы при условии потребления 2000 калорий в день. † Суточная норма не определена. |
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