- Снят с продажи
Sage Spirit, Благовония коренных Американце, шалфей и лаванда, Маленькие палочки 4-5 дюймов
- Sage Spirit
- 049347003039
- 1 штук
- Твердые
- 0.05 кг
- 4.6 x 8.1 x 14 см
Описание товара Sage Spirit, Благовония коренных Американце, шалфей и лаванда, Маленькие палочки 4-5 дюймов
Sage Spirit Smudge Wands are made from a combination of sage, cedar sweetgrass, lavender and copal. Wrapped with 100% cotton string, each wand is considered a sacred herb used for centuries by Naive Americans in the smudging ceremony. "Smudging" is the name given to the burning of these sacred herbs for the purpose of cleansing and sending out prayers. Today, people are smudging to receive the benefits known to our Naive American brothers and sisters for generations.
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3 500.00 р.
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