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2 970.00 р.
  • Снят с продажи

NUK, Дисней Беби, Поильники с широким горлом, Средний размер, Голубые, 0+ месяцев, 3 поильники, 10 унций (300 мл) каждая

1 отзывов Написать отзыв
  • NUK
  • 885131620491
  • 3 штук
  • Твердые
  • 0.25 кг
  • 19.3 x 6.6 x 19.3 см

Описание товара NUK, Дисней Беби, Поильники с широким горлом, Средний размер, Голубые, 0+ месяцев, 3 поильники, 10 унций (300 мл) каждая

  • Same Shape as Mom's Nursing Nipple
  • Anti-Colic Air Vent
  • 9/10 Babies Accept*
  • Silicone
  • BPA Free
The Perfect Fit® Nipple features Soft Zone™ and the NUK® Anti-Colic Air System that helps reduce colic, gas and spit-up.

1 NUK® Anti-Colic Air Vent allows baby to swallow liquid instead of air for a comfortable feed.

2 Soft Zone™ with soft, satin-like finish conforms to palate shape and provides greater comfort

3 Extra Wide Base mimics shape of mom's breast to promote proper latch during breastfeeding

4 Feeding Hole Against Palate allows mixing with baby's saliva, a natural digestion aide

Can be used with all NUK® Perfect Fit® Nipples.

NUK® Bottles have a wide neck so they are easy to use and easy to clean.

During breastfeeding, mom's nipple changes shape and become the same shape as the Perfect Fit® Nipple.

Sized to support your growing baby. Available in 2 nipples size & 3 flow rates.

Size  1 - Smaller nipple sized for babies 0-6 months.
  • slow
  • medium
Size 2  - Large nipple sized for babies 6+ months
  • fast
*Based on Market Research, June 2010. Tested with 200 NUK® Bottle Users

Способ приема

Care:  Disassemble before cleaning. Prior to first use, sanitize by boiling water for 5 minutes. For day to day cleaning, wash with hot water and mild detergent then rinse clean. Dishwasher-safe (top-rack). Allow to dry before storage.

Use: The vent on the nipple should be under baby's nose, feeding hole will be facing upwards. To heat, place the bottle in container of warm water. For hygiene and safety, replace with appropriate NUK® nipples after about 2 months of use.


To prevent possible choking hazard, test strength before each use by pulling the nipple in all directions. Any tear can lead to the separation of pieces. Discontinue use if any tear or crack appears. Do not attempt to enlarge the hole as this may lead to tearing. Prolonged periods of time drinking liquids, other than water, may cause tooth decay.

Caution:  Do not overheat. Always test temperature of liquid on wrist before feeding baby. Do not microwave, since this can cause uneven heating. Always supervise baby when feeding. To avoid injury, do not allow a child to walk or run with a bottle.

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