Nairn's, Натуральные овсяные крекеры, 8,8 унций (250 г)
- Наирнс Инк
- 061232201078
- 0.29 кг
- 17.3 x 8.1 x 6.9 см
Описание товара Nairn's, Натуральные овсяные крекеры, 8,8 унций (250 г)
- With Added Oatbran
- Whole Grain Oats
- Wheat Free Recipe
- Zero Trans Fat
- No Added Sugar
- Non GMO Project Verified
- 4 Pouches of 6 Oat Crackers
- Keeps the Oat Crackers Fresh
- Perfect for On the Go
- USDA Organic
- Source of Fiber
- Suitable for Vegans
- No Added Sugar
- No Artificial Colors, Flavors or Preservatives
- No GM Ingredients
- Zero trans Fat
- All Natural
- Certified Organic by Soil Association Certification
At Nairn's we care passionately about the environment. That's why Nairn's Organic Oat Crackers not only taste good, they are also full of natural goodness. The oats baked in this product are grown organically-without the use of inorganic pesticides or insecticides. This allows the ats to thrive naturally and also helps encourage soil fertility. Even our cartons come from sustainable forests, so you can enjoy our Organic Oat Crackers knowing that they are good for you and good for the environment.
Naturally Energizing
Health bodies such as the NHS in the UK say that the energy from oats is released slowly and that the energy from oats is released slowly and helps to keep you going for longer.
Our oat crackers are packed with whole grain oats, so are a wholesome, natural way to get some energy. They are high in soluble fiber and also contain nutrients to help transform the Carbohydrates into usable energy.
Naturally Nairn's
At Nairn's, we know our oats - we've been baking with them since 1896. We use oats grown in the Scottish Borders where the climate is perfect for slowly and naturally ripening the grains. Our aim is to make tasty, wholesome food that is as simple and natural as possible.
If you enjoyed our Organic Oat Crackers, we've got a wide range of other tasty varieties to choose from. Perfect with your favorite topping, with cheese or as an accomplishment to soup or salad. You might even find a new favorite!
Компоненты товара
Пищевая ценность | ||
Размер порции: 2 крекера (21 г) | ||
Порций в упаковке: 12 | ||
Количество в 1 порции | % от суточной нормы* | |
Калории | 90 | |
Всего жиров | 3,5 г | 4% |
Насыщенные жиры | 1 г | 5% |
Трансжиры | 0 г | |
Холестерин | 0 мг | 0% |
Натрий | 150 мг | 7% |
Всего углеводов | 14 г | 5% |
Пищевая клетчатка | 2 г | 7% |
Всего сахара | 0 г | |
Содержит 0 г добавленного сахара | 0% | |
Белки | 2 г | |
Витамин D | 0 мкг | 0% |
Железо | 0,9 мг | 5% |
Кальций | 10 мг | 0% |
Калий | 80 мг | 0% |
* Процент от суточной нормы указывает, какая доля от ежедневной нормы потребления питательного вещества содержится в одной порции. Рекомендация употреблять 2000 калорий в день имеет общий характер. |
Органический цельнозерновой овес (89%), органическое подсолнечное масло, органическое пальмовое масло, морская соль, растительный агент: бикарбонат натрия.
Содержит: Клейковину. Может содержать следы молока, орехов деревьев, арахиса.
Palm Fruit Oil: этот продукт изготовлен из органического пальмового масла из устойчивых источников.