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Life Extension, Ягодный комплекс, 60 вегетарианских капсул

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  • Life Extension
  • 737870233664
  • 0.07 кг
  • 11.4 x 6.1 x 6.1 см

Описание товара Life Extension, Ягодный комплекс, 60 вегетарианских капсул

  • Polyphenol Blend with Acai
  • Dietary Supplement 
  • Non-GMO 

Berry Complete is a powerful blend of standardized extracts derived from berries with high concentrations of free radical fighting polyphenols and anthocyanins. This formula supports heart, brain and cellular health, combats oxidative stress, helps maintain already-healthy glucose and cholesterol levels and more.

Standardized açaí berry extract (10% polyphenols)

Açaí berries are dark purple fruits similar to those found on saw palmetto and are part of the same plant family. As such, they are very rich in free radical quenching polyphenols and anthocyanins, amino acids, healthy fats, minerals, phytosterols and some vitamins (like thiamine B1).

The phytosterols, healthy fats and dietary fiber in açaí berries are powerful oxidative stress fighters, promote healthy aging, support prostate and urinary tract health and encourage cellular health, as well.

Vitaberry® blend combines body-healthy berries

The other nutrients in our Berry Complete formula come from 250 mg of Vitaberry®, a blend of grape, blueberry, raspberry, cranberry, plum, tart cherry, bilberry fruit and strawberry extracts. Together, they offer a variety of health benefits.

Blueberries help fight oxidative stress, support cognitive health, promote a healthy inflammatory response and encourage vascular health by promoting nitric oxide production.  Blueberry also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels already within normal range.

Pomegranate helps support already-healthy blood pressure and glucose levels, cardiovascular health by encouraging healthy endothelial cell function and, like blueberry, promotes a healthy inflammatory response.

Tart cherry promotes healthy circulation, supports metabolic pathways and helps relieve muscle fatigue after exercise with anthocyanins.

Bilberry is also rich in anthocyanins and other healthy berry compounds. Bilberry extract helps maintain eye health, circulation, comfort and lubrication, and also supports blood vessel health.

Berry Complete is a convenient way to the get the wide-spectrum health benefits of berry superfoods like açaí, pomegranate, blueberry, tart cherry and bilberry, without the sugar, calories or supply issues you’ll get from trying to source seasonal berries at the supermarket.

Способ приема

Прочтите всю информацию на этикетке и в точности выполняйте рекомендации по применению.

Принимать по одной (1) капсуле 1–2 раза в день независимо от приемов пищи или в соответствии с назначением врача. 
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Do not exceed recommended dose.
  • Do not purchase if outer seal is broken or damaged.
  • When using nutritional supplements, please consult with your physician if you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition or if you are pregnant or lactating.
Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place.
Производитель оставляет за собой право изменить внешний вид упаковки, состав продукта, вкусовые добавки и его консистенцию. Мы стараемся следить за изменениями, но, если вы заметили какое-либо несоответствие, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом в письме или в комментарии к товару. Спасибо!

Компоненты товара

Информация о добавке
Размер порции: 1 вегетарианская капсула
Количество в 1 порции% от суточной нормы
Экстракт ягод асаи (Cabbage Palm)
[стандартизированный до 10% полифенолов]
250 мг **
Фруктовая смесь VitaBerry
[стандартизированная до 25% полифенолов]
[содержит экстракты, порошки и концентраты
винограда (ягоды и косточки), черники (ягоды),
малины (ягоды и косточки), клюквы (ягоды), сливы (ягоды),
вишни (ягоды), голубики (ягоды), клубники (ягоды)
250 мг **
** Суточная норма не определена.
Другие ИнгредиентыРастительная целлюлоза (капсула), микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, гипромеллоза, растительный стеарат, диоксид кремния, мальтодекстрин.