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Life Extension, Флорассист, 30 жидких вегетарианских капсул

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  • Life Extension
  • 737870182535
  • 30 штук
  • 0.05 кг
  • 4.6 x 4.6 x 8.6 см

Описание товара Life Extension, Флорассист, 30 жидких вегетарианских капсул

  • Dual Encapsulated Probiotic Blend for Overall Health
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Non-GMO
FLORASSIST® Balance probiotic formula has seven strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotics to optimize digestive health, promote healthy immune response and support whole-body health.

FLORASSIST® Balance probiotic provides a proprietary blend of seven probiotic strains for maximum digestive health support. This blend optimizes digestive health, promotes a healthy immune response and supports whole-body health. 

FLORASSIST® Balance probiotic supplement uses dual-encapsulation technology to deliver large amounts of living probiotic colonies to your gut. FLORASSIST® Balance using dual-encapsulation technology to go around the harsh barriers of your digestive system.

FLORASSIST® Balance Benefits

  • Promotes optimal digestive health
  • Encourages healthy, well-rounded immune response
  • Maximizes successful probiotic colonization via use of dual-encapsulation delivery system

All healthy individuals have billions of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract that are essential for healthy digestion, nutrient absorption and elimination of waste. Probiotics are supplements and foods that contain specific strains of healthy bacteria. 

The benefits of probiotics

These probiotics support optimal digestive health, but also much more than that. Properly formulated probiotics offer health benefits for the whole body. Properly formulated probiotics can offer health benefits for the entire body. They can positively modulate cell-signaling pathways and promote healthy immune and inflammatory responses. Diets high in foods that contain probiotics have been shown to promote health and longevity. But we often don’t get enough probiotics from diet alone. 

Proprietary probiotic blend

FLORASSIST® Balance now delivers SEVEN probiotic strains: B. breve Bbr8; L. plantarum 14D; B. animalis ssp. lactis BLC1; L. paracasei IMC 502; L. rhamnosus IMC 501; L. acidophilus LA1; B. longum ssp. longum SP54. Together, there are 15 billion colony forming units (or CFUs) per capsule of these probiotic strains. 

Dual Encapsulation Technology

The beginning of your digestive tract is a very inhospitable place. One of the complications of making a high-quality probiotic supplement is that the beneficial bacterial strains that thrive in the lower intestine won’t make it past the stomach or upper intestines, and that can greatly limit their beneficial effects. 

FLORASSIST® Balance utilizes a dual-encapsulated softgel that protects the probiotics inside, delivering a significant amount of live bacterial colony forming units (CFUs) to where the body needs them most. 

Furthermore, the strains selected for our proprietary probiotic blend are particularly acid-resistant, giving them the best chance of getting past the stomach.

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Компоненты товара

Пищевая ценность
Размер порции: 1 вегетарианская капсула с жидкостью

Количество в 1 порции% от суточной нормы
Запатентованная смесь пробиотиков Balance
Бифидобактерии бреве (B. breve) Bbr8; лактобактерии плантарум (L. plantarum) 14D; бактерии B. animalis подвида lactic BLC1; лактобактерии параказеи (L. paracasei) IMC 502; лактобактерии рамнозус (L. rhamnosus) IMC 501; ацидофильные лактобактерии (L. acidophilus) LA1; бифидобактерии лонгум (B. longum) подвида longum SP54
15 млрд КОЕ†**
** Суточная норма не определена.
† Колониеобразующие единицы (КОЕ) на момент изготовления.
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