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Gaia Herbs, Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup, 3 fl oz (89 ml)

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  • Gaia Herbs
  • 751063996259
  • 3 жидкая унция
  • 0.23 кг
  • 12.4 x 5.3 x 5.3 см

Описание товара Gaia Herbs, Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup, 3 fl oz (89 ml)

  • USDA Organic
  • Rapid Relief
  • For Immune Support & Restful Sleep
  • Best-Selling Formula
  • With Herbs to Gently Promote Rest
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth

Meet your Herbs

Meet Your Herbs is the world's only traceability program for therapeutic herbal supplements.

Purity: Trace the origin of each herbal ingredient-where and how it was grown.

Integrity: View the Certificate of Compliance and test results for this product.

Potency: See validation of each herb's full phytochemical complex.

Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup

For centuries Black Elderberries have been recognized for supporting the immune system. Gaia Herbs’ best-selling Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup super-concentrates the juice from 14.5 grams of organic Elderberries into a single teaspoon. Another important aspect of optimal health is restful sleep. Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup contains the organic herbs Lemon Balm and California Poppy to gently support a good night of rest. Our Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup also contains organic Acerola Cherry fruit extract, making it a delicious and rich source of Vitamin C.

A Partnership of Mutual Belief

Black Elderberry NightTime Syrup is produced in Tuscany, Italy by Aboca, the herbal supplement leader in more than 25,000 European pharmacies and health food stores since 1978. Gaia Herbs' partnership with Aboca is born from a mutual belief in sustainable product development, dedication to quality, and a deep respect for science and nature working in  harmony.

Способ приема

Adults: 1 teaspoon, within one hour before bedtime

Children: Age 2-12: : 1/2 teaspoon, within one hour before bedtime.† 

Refrigerate after opening. Shake well before use. Alcohol-free syrup.

†Or as directed by a qualified health care provider.


Not to be used during pregnancy or lactation. If you have a medical condition or are take medications, please consult with your health care provider before using this product. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if safety seal is broken.

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Компоненты товара

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 1 чайная ложка (5 мл)
Обслуживание в контейнере: около 18
Количество на порцию %Дневная стоимость
Калории 20
Всего углеводов 4 г 1% *
Sugars 4 г
Витамин С (от Acerola ▲) 13 мг 21%
Черная Elderberry ▲
(Sambucus nigra) концентрат фруктовых соков
1,903 мг
Плоды ацерола ▲
(Malpighia glabra) высушенный экстракт
147 мг
Собственная смесь 104 мг
Лиофилизированные экстракты листьев лимонного бальзама ▲ (Melissa offcinalis), лиофилизированный экстракт цветковых вершин Grindelia ▲ (Grindelia camporum), лиофилизированный экстракт Калифорнийского листа мака ▲ (Eschscholzia californica)
* Процент дневной нормы основаны на диете в 2000 калорий.
†Суточная доза не определена.
▲ = Сертифицированный органический ингредиент
Каждая порция содержит эквивалент 14,5 г (14 500 мг) свежих ягод.
Другие Ингредиенты

Органический сахарный тростник, вода, лимонный фруктовый сок, ксантановая камедь.