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7 000.00 р.
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Fungi Perfecti, MycoBotanicals, Stress Decompress, 60 вегетарианских капсул

1 отзывов Написать отзыв
  • Fungi Perfecti
  • 633422710662
  • 60 штук
  • 0.07 кг
  • 11.2 x 5.6 x 5.6 см

Описание товара Fungi Perfecti, MycoBotanicals, Stress Decompress, 60 вегетарианских капсул

  • Helping People and Planet
  • Made with Organic Mushroom Mycelium, Skullcap & Lemon Balm
  • Certified Organic by Washington State Department of Agriculture
  • Promotes Natural Calm & Tranquility
  • Gluten Free
  • Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Dietary Supplement

Host Defense MycoBotanicals is a blend of mushrooms and herbs. We use activated, dried, Certified Organic mushroom mycelium, with a full spectrum of constituents which are essential for Supporting Natural Immunity. By including certified organic herbs that have been carefully selected to complement that health benefits of mushrooms, this marriage provides the best of both worlds. Like the dance of the sun and the moon, two kingdoms are paired together to provide the best possible Functional Food Formula for Promoting Natural Calm and Tranquility.

Feature Benefit
Reishi Supports adrenal function.
Lion's Mane Supports a clam and balanced mood.
Lemon Balm Supports a peaceful emotional state.
Ashwagandha Promotes a healthy stress response.
Skullcap Promotes mental relaxation.

Host Defense is the #1 Best-Selling Mushroom Brand in the U.S.*: The Highest Quality and Scientifically Validated

Identity Guaranteed: Guaranteed, Accurate Identity of Each Mushroom

Certified Organic by Washington State Department of Agriculture: Made with Certified Organic Ingredients

Non-GMO Project Verified: Non-GMO Verified Ingredients

↑200 °F: Heat treated to proper temperature to ensure safety & bioavailability.

Produced Under the Direct Supervision of Paul Stamets, D.Sc,

Bee Friendly: Proceeds help to save bees, trees, people & planet.

* Source: SPINSscan Natural/ Natural Products Supermarkets > $2MM/ Total US - Natural Channel / Mushrooms Ingredient Report / 52 Wks Ending 3/19/2017.

Способ приема

As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules once per day. Can be taken with food or on an empty stomach or as recommended by your healthcare advisor.


Keep out of reach of children.

If you have a medical condition, are taking medications, or are pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare professional before using this product.

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Компоненты товара

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 2 капсулы
Обслуживание в контейнере: 30
Количество на порцию %Дневная стоимость
Рейши (Ganoderma lucidum sl) мицелий ‡ 300 мг
Lion's Mane (Hericium erinaceus) мицелий ‡ 300 мг
Лист черепашки (Scutellaria lateriflora) 200 мг
Лимонный бальзам (Melissa officinalis) экстракт листьев ‡ 100 мг
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) корневой экстракт ‡ 100 мг
†Суточная доза не определена.
‡ Сертифицированный Органик.
Другие Ингредиенты

Сушеный мицелированный коричневый рис ‡, пуллулан (внеклеточный полисахарид), мальтодекстрин ‡.

‡ Сертифицированный органический.