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9 700.00 р.
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ALLMAX Nutrition, CARBion+ with Electrolytes, Lemon Lime, 30.7 oz (870 g)

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  • ALLMAX Nutrition
  • 665553228242
  • 30.7 унция
  • 1.04 кг
  • 13.5 x 14 x 20.6 см

Описание товара ALLMAX Nutrition, CARBion+ with Electrolytes, Lemon Lime, 30.7 oz (870 g)

  • Clean For Athletes - Banned Substance Free
  • Hydration + Endurance + Recovery
  • 25 g Carbs
  • 12 g Cyclo-D
  • 0 g Sugars
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Natural and Artificial Flavors
  • Lab Tested - Every Ingredient Every Lot
  • cGMP Registered Facility
  • Vegan
  • No Wheat
  • Kosher
  • Gluten Free Tested 
  • Sweetened with Sucralose 
  • High Performance Training Fuel
  • Phased-Delivery Energy Blend
  • Delivers Faster Than Simple Carbs 
  • Sustained-Release Energy Zero Crash
  • Cyclo-D Highly -Branched Cyclic Dextrin
  • Per4orm 4 - Form Phase Released Dextrin Polysaccharide
  • AWM2300 Ultra-High Molecularly Weight Amylopectin Waxy Maize
  • CocoH2 Concentrated Coconut Water
  • Tested For Banned Substances - Informed-Choice - Trusted by Sport

+Refresh CARBION+ is formulated with a highly soluble carbohydrate blend that mixes easily and results in a clear, refreshing, incredibly delicious drink that will crush your thirst with Zero Bloating. Cyclo-D is an engineered carb that is designed to be essentially tasteless and highly soluble by breaking down long chains into highly branched cyclic chains and our PER4ORM maltodextrin blend is added to make it even more soluble. 

+Hydrate You need to provide your body with an adequate supply of electrolytes to maintain specific bodily functions, so you can perform at your peak. CARBION+ contains a perfectly balanced blend of all 4 key electrolytes, Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium to keep you hydrated during intense exercise. These 4 key electrolytes have been optimized for improved absorption and improved taste by utilizing bicarbonate and citrate forms in addition to the more typical chloride forms. 

+Perform In the end, it's all about performance. You take supplements to improve performance and that's what CARBION+ will do! CARBION+ is formulated with Zero Sugar, our Phased Delivery Energy Blend was designed to provide fuel for your entire workout without the energy crash associated with sugar based sports drinks. Tests performed with high performance athletes during training has confirmed up to 50% improvement in stamina as well as a reduced perception of fatigue. 

+Recover A commonly overlooked fact is that carbohydrates hold  high importance in the recovery process and are essential for any hard working athlete. During intense exercise, your muscles use glucose and glycogen for energy. But the body can only produce so much, once depleted the body creates cortisol which eats up muscle tissue for protein and converts it into glucose. The net result is a loss of muscle tissue. Post workout supplementation with CARBION+ can help prevent this. 

Clean for Athletes - Banned Substance Free: Clean for Athletes. Banned Substance Free. This product contains no WADA banned ingredients. This is validated by in-market random testing managed by an independent 3rd party - Informed Choice. 

Способ приема

Mix ½ Scoop CARBION+ with 12 oz of cold water and you’re ready to go. Additional water can be added if desired.

Scoop-Lock Servings Cold Water
Full 2 = 58 g 24 oz (3 cups. 710 ml)
Half 1 = 29 g  12 oz (1 1/2 cups. 355 ml)

Do not use if you have any pre-existing medical conditions. Do not use if you are pregnant or nursing. Not recommended for persons under 18 years of age. Discontinue use if you experience any adverse reactions. Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you have diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance. Store in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.

California warning: Lead is known to the State of California to cause birth defects or reproductive harm. Consuming this product can expose you to more than 0.0000005 g of lead. 

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Компоненты товара

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 1/2 мерной ложки (29 г)
Сервировки в контейнер: 30
Количество на порцию %Дневная стоимость
Калории 100
Всего углеводов 25 г 9%
Sugars 0 г
Фаза доставки энергии смесь
Cyclo-D циклический декстрин с высокой степенью разветвленности 12 г
Полисахарид декстрина с фазой высвобождения 4-формы Per4orm 12 г
AWM2300 Восковая кукуруза сверхвысокой молекулярной массы 1000 мг
CocoH2 Концентрированная кокосовая вода (Cocos Nucifera ) 400 мг
Абсорбционная смесь
Экстракт опунции Кактус (Opuntia ficus-indica. Leaf) 108 мг
Экстракт горькой дыни (monordica charantia, фрукты) 56 мг
Cinnulin PF (Cinnamomum burmanii, кора) экстракт 15 мг
Смесь гидратации электролита
Натрий (в виде бикарбоната натрия, цитрата натрия, хлорида натрия) 190 мг 8%
Калий (как бикарбонат калия, цитрат калия) 100 мг 2%
Магний (как цитрат магния, глюконат магния) 60 мг 15%
Кальций (как цитрат кальция, 5-гидрат кальция) 30 мг 2%
Процент дневных значений основан на диете в 2000 калорий.
†Суточная доза не определена.
Другие Ингредиенты

Лимонная кислота, натуральные и искусственные ароматизаторы, сукралоза, FD & C Yellow # 5, FD & C blue # 1.

Подслащен сукралозой.

Предупреждение об аллергене: Производится на предприятии, которое также занимается переработкой молока, сои, яиц, арахиса, лесных орехов, рыбы, ракообразных и моллюсков.